Othmar Lehner

"I love to wear hats. Over the years, my pictures have been taken up by many of the industries’ major brands, have won numerous competitions, and I had the privilege to work with some of the best photographers and models around the globe, for which I will be forever grateful and humble in their shadow. Recent exhibitions include the national library of Helsinki, Finland and online in the London Saatchi gallery. 

I am open for inspiring collaborations and creating art with people and nature. I am working in Europe and overseas.”


“Una fotografía, un retrato, para mí, tiene que ser una poesía, una apasionante historia de amor, de esperanza, de muerte. No una pintura estéril y sin espíritu, sino una representación de la eterna belleza y fragilidad de un alma. Pintado por la luz misma, fijando un momento fugaz en el tiempo para la eternidad,
¿qué podría ser más digno para una gran persona?"


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